Friday, December 25, 2015


1. Find a quiet place. This will give you time to ponder previous experiences and to be alone with your thoughts, easing decision making and organizing your head. This can be found on a walk, boating, relaxing by a camp fire, bubble baths, etc. get creative.

2. Maintain your home. Property should be maintained to keep it livable (not survivable). Spending time in your home will remind you of your personal fortunes before heading on in a given day. Your home should feel safe and comforting for the most positive results.

3. Enjoy the right crowd. Drama and tension happens every day, but we are free to choose who we give our time to. Don't give it to things (such as dramatic or negative people) that make your time less worth living through, especially if the stress isn't necessary.

4. Drinking habits. Stimulants have a powerful effect on one's body, making it more difficult to calm down accordingly. Purified water or juices are better choices than coffee and tea throughout a workday.

5. Getting enough sleep. All medical communities know that sleep is very important in everyday life, and without it come all sorts of health conditions. A good night's rest can make one better able to approach life and the challenges that come with it.

6. Practice kindness. Kind actions promote kind thoughts that promote happiness that reduces stress.

7. Focus on happiness. Meditation, yoga, exercising, and playing are some of the ways to gain inner peace. You can't loose weight or start a new business without focus, so if you're not truly happy now, you might just need the extra boost of focus.

8. Thank, apologize, and forgive. Nothing stresses one out like haters or just negative relationships in general. Fix any problems between friendships that might bring on stress. This can be done by apologizing for whatever necessary to calm the other person, and honestly forgiving them to let go of unwanted tension. Show your appreciation to those who deserve it so you won't lose them, and anyone who doesn't cooperate with your mature way of handling things can hit the road. Don't worry about them until they are ready to grow up, if ever.


Also known as the hunger hormone, ghrelin levels rise as stress increases. Studies show that in mice, as ghrelin levels increase, depression and anxiety related behaviors decrease, indicating that ghrelin is sometimes produced to prevent depression and anxiety. Of course you shouldn't starve yourself, but cutting back on food intake will increase ghrelin (hunger), decreasing depression and anxiety. So don't give in to those stress cravings. Its your body trying to avoid worse feelings than hunger. There are some health conditions however, that may alter this effect.